Estimate the market value of your car, quickly and easily. More info
R21.60 excl Vat | R24.84 incl Vat
Use your car’s VIN number and find out what the estimated market value of your car is. Our valuation model returns instant real-time, accurate valuation information.
Key considerations when utilising the Lightstone report.
Lightstone Valuation Report is recognised as a credible source for a Vehicle Valuation and costs R20 (incl VAT).
These are estimated values for this vehicle with average mileage and average condition. Values are a guide and can differ based on geographical position, condition, supply and demand, as well as any other external factors that might influence the value of the vehicle.
There are retail and trade values that can be used, and listed below:
The report further includes:
Disclaimer: Lightstone took all reasonable measures in sourcing information which is provided to you as part of the Live Vehicle Valuation Report. The information that the report is based on has been supplied to Lightstone by third parties, therefore Lightstone cannot warrant, nor can it be held responsible, for ensuring that any of the information provided to you as part of the Live Vehicle Valuation Report is correct, accurate or complete for your specific vehicle considering your specific vehicle's physical condition, mileage, optional extras and service history.